Gangster Alexander Ward, his girl friend, Gypsy Boulet, and two henchmen come to Deadwood, South Dakota with the idea of stealing some gold bars. They enlist the aid of a local ski instructor, Gil Jackson, and plan to use him as a guide out of the territory after the robbery. However, a blizzard forces them to take refuge in Jackson’s cabin, where Gypsy lowers the inside temperature by giving the cold shoulder to Ward, her former sweetie until she saw Jackson. Ward plans to kill Jackson after they have no further use of him, so he doesn’t care. But they had used an explosion in a cave to serve as a distraction during the heist, and this explosion had irritated a giant spider that lived there and, sure enough, all hands have to seek refuge in the cave from the fury of the storm. Starring Michael Forest, Sheila Noonan, and Frank Wolff. Those Hobbits battled giant spiders. Well, one shouldn’t hide in caves like that, mainly because bigfoot is probably there…