A family is driving across the country when they stumble across a mysterious house inhabited by the satyr-man Torgo. When the family decides to stay over at the house, mother Margaret is now the object of desire for Torgo and the owner of the house, The Master: a mysterious figure who dresses in a black robe decorated with red hands. Starring Tom Neyman, John Reynolds, and Diane Adelson. The producer, Harold P. Warren was very active in the theater scene in El Paso, Texas, and he once appeared as a walk-on for the television series Route 66, where he met screenwriter Stirling Silliphant. While chatting with Silliphant in a local coffee shop, Warren claimed that it was not difficult to make a horror film, and he bet Silliphant that he could make an entire film on his own. Warren went on to win the bet and make what is thought to be in the Top Ten Worst Movies ever made. El Paso loves this movie. Cast and crew recall that John Reynolds was on LSD during filming. It explains his confused behavior and incessant twitching in virtually all of his scenes.